Identity and Transformation
Human development is a cyclical process of becoming whole through accepting and connecting to one’s authentic self and vital energy. When Half is Whole: Multiethnic Asian American Identities illuminates the universal nature of identity construction through life stories of people who embody mixedness and paradox. These narratives provide insights into how we navigate and transcend social identities based on racial, sexual, and national boundaries in a globalized world.
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Articles & Interviews
“Storytelling teahouse ‘master’ is modern day doctor of the soul.” Beacon Reports, June 25, 2021
“I’m Irish!: Liberating a Surrendered Multiethnic Identity.” Psychology Today. March 18, 2021
“We Too, Are America.” Stanford Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity, April 8, 2020
“A story of family told across multiple continents.” By Richard Solomon. Japan Times, March 12, 2020
“A singular moment in a teahouse full of tales,” By Richard Solomon, Japan Times, March 12, 2020
Telling Our Story: “Home” for Japan’s Mixed Roots People. Journal of Intercultural Education. (In Japanese), (2014).
Multiracial/Multiethnic Identities. In Danico, M. Y. (Ed.) The Encyclopedia of Asian American Studies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage with James Ong (2014).
“Hikikomori: Adolescence without End.” Book review. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry. March, 2014
Mixed Race People in Japan’s Multicultural Society. (2014). In Johanna Zulueta and Lydia Yu-Jose (Eds.) Migration and the Creation of Japan’s Multicultural Society: Workers, Women, and the Next Generation, Quezon City, PH: Ateneo de Manila University Press.
Murphy-Shigematsu, S. (2012). Hybrid Identities and Adolescent Girls: Being “Half” in Japan, Review of book by Laurel Kamada. Social Science Japan Journal
Murphy-Shigematsu, S. (2011). The Routledge International Companion to Multicultural Education, Book Review, James A. Banks. Diaspora, Indigenous
Murphy-Shigematsu, S. (2011). Multiracial Identities. In Juergensmeyer, M. & Anheier, H. (Eds.) The Encyclopedia of Global Studies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Murphy-Shigematsu, S. & Willis, D. B. (2008). Challenges of Japan’s New Diversity. In F. Coulmas, H. Conrad, A. Schad-Seifert, G. Vogt (Eds.) The Demographic Challenge: A Handbook about Japan. pp. 293—315. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers
Murphy-Shigematsu, S. (2008). Narratives of Living in the Borderlands of Race and Nation in Japan. In Willis, D. B. & Murphy-Shigematsu, S. (Eds.) Transcultural Japan: At the Borderlands of Race, Gender, and Identity. pp. 282—304. London: Routledge
Willis, D. B. & Murphy-Shigematsu, S. (2008). Transcultural Japan: Metamorphosis in the Cultural Borderlands and Beyond. In Willis, D. B. & Murphy-Shigematsu, S. (Eds.). Transcultural Japan: At the Borderlands of Race, Gender, and Identity. pp. 3—44. London: Routledge
Willis, D. B. & Murphy-Shigematsu, S. (2008). Ethnoscapes and the Other in 21st Century Japan. In Willis, D. B. & Murphy-Shigematsu, S. (Eds.) Transcultural Japan. pp. 305—324. London: Routledge
Murphy-Shigematsu, S. (2006). Dilemmas of Human Relations of Korean International Students in Japan. In Lee. S., Murphy-Shigematsu, S. & Befu, H., (Eds.) Japan’s Diversity Dilemmas: Ethnicity, Citizenship and Education. pp. 213—232. Lincoln, NE: iUniverse
Murphy-Shigematsu, S. (2004). Ethnic Diversity, Identity and Citizenship in Japan, Harvard Asia Quarterly, Winter, VIII (I): 51—57
Onishi, A. & Murphy-Shigematsu, S. (2003). Identity Narratives of Muslim Foreign Workers in Japan. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 13: 224—239
Murphy-Shigematsu, S. (2002). Multiethnic Japan. Review of book by John Lie, Harvard University Press, Social Science Journal Japan, October, 5(2), 297—300.
Identities of Multiethnic People in Japan.” In Japan and Global Migration: Foreign workers and the advent of a multicultural society, 2000
Audio & Video
When Half is Whole: The Multicultural Person, Family, and Society in a Globalized World. ICAS Temple University Japan, June 19, 2015
The Celtic Samurai
When Half is Whole: Multiethnic Asian American Identities, Stanford University Press, 2012