I'm happy tonight
I've been to the mountaintop
seen the promised land
Mine eyes have seen the glory
of the coming of the Lord
On April 3, the day before he was assassinated Reverend King spoke passionately of how he would like to live a long life but only wanted to do God's will. He had seen the promised land and assured his people that they would someday get there, though he might not be with them. He confessed that he didn't know what will happen now and that there were difficult days ahead, but he accepted it all and felt no fear.
May we all awaken to such clarity and live with acceptance of reality, without fear, and with the joy that Love brings.
4月3日、暗殺される前日、キング牧師は、長生きしたいが、ただ神の意志を実行したいだけだと熱く語った。キング牧師は約束の地を見たことがあり、自分が一緒ではないかもしれないが、いつかそこにたどり着けると民衆に約束した。彼は、これから何が起こるかわからない、困難な日々が続くと告白したが、すべてを受け入れ、恐れを感じなかった。 私たちがこのような明晰さに目覚め、現実を受け入れ、恐れずに、そして愛がもたらす喜びとともに生きることができますように。
(Tanka 5-7-5-7-7 syllables, using Rev. King's words)
Photo by Alex Krivec