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Diversity In Japan and United States

We overcome fears to embrace the gifts of diversity through experiences of empathy and expand the borders we construct between us not only through laws and policies but a change of consciousness. A lifetime of lived experiences in the margins and mainstreams in both the U.S. and Japan, is expressed in both scholarly work and creative activity, such as The Celtic Samurai. Storytelling and research enhance our understanding of human struggles living in the borderlands of race, gender, and identity.

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  • Willis, D. B. & Murphy-Shigematsu, S. (Eds.) (2008). Transcultural Japan: At the Borderlands of Race, Gender, and Identity. London: Routledge

  • Lee. S., Murphy-Shigematsu, S., & Befu, H., (Eds.) 2006. Japan’s Diversity Dilemmas: Ethnicity, Citizenship and Education. Lincoln, NE: iUniverse

  • Banks, J. A., Banks, C. M., Cortes, C. E., Hahn, C. Merryfield, M., Moodley, K. A., Murphy-Shigematsu, S., Osler, A., Park, C., Parker, W. C. (2005). Democracy and Diversity: Principles and Concepts for Educating Citizens in a Global Age, Seattle: University of Washington Center for Multicultural Education.

  • Banks, J. A., Banks, C. M., Cortes, C. E., Hahn, C. Merryfield, M., Moodley, K. A., Murphy-Shigematsu, S., Osler, A., Park, C., Parker, W. C.; Hirasawa, Y. (Translation) (2006). Democracy and Multicultural Education: Principles and Concepts for Educating Citizens in a Global Age, Tokyo: Akashi Shoten (In Japanese)

  • Murphy-Shigematsu, S.  (2004). Narratives of Multicultural Counseling. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press.  Translated by Hiromi Tsujii. (In Japanese)


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